Category Stress

Life Beyond the Norm – Mental Illness and It’s Drama

It was a normal day.

Well, as normal as any other Sunday had started lately anyway.

Little did we know that in less than an hour our world would once again be turned upside down.

After having a nice afternoon brunch together, that he had kindly made, my ex had another relapse.

His bipolar/schizoaffective brain had taken over (thanks to a little caffeine) and we were once again faced with a person we didn’t know. And a situation we weren’t sure how to navigate.

Even though we’ve been through it before, many times, it had been a while, we had hoped we’d never see this face again.

But alas, anyone out there who has dealt with a mental illness knows, it never really goes away.

So there we were, having just eaten and realizing that the conversation was taking a less than i...

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Broken Heart Syndrome Symptoms – Is Broken Heart Syndrome Real?

Broken Heart Syndrome Symptoms

Broken Heart Syndrome?

If you’ve ever had your heart broken (and who hasn’t?), then you know that the physical pain from it is very real. But did you know that broken heart syndrome is an actual thing? That it can actually damage your heart, depending on its severity and cause (and other risk factors per individual)?

While being hurt by a loved one, losing a loved one, being dumped by someone does indeed hurt. Sometimes that hurt can be so intense that it can actually cause physical harm to your body.

During a particularly low period in my life I can attest to the truth of this.

So what is broken heart syndrome?

Put simply, broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that is brought on by a stressful situation...

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