Category Finding Happiness

3 Ways to Face Your Fears and Win

We all have fears.

If anyone ever tells me that they aren’t afraid of anything . . . we would spend the next hour coming up with at least ONE thing. Trust me. Everyone has fears.

Some people have more than others.

Some stop people from living. Some can save your life. But most can be overcome.

I say most, not all, because some fears are justified and necessary for survival. Which is why it’s actually okay to have fear.

The only time it isn’t okay to have fear is when it isn’t justifiable and when fear is stopping you from living your life and living at your full potential.

Let’s discuss the definition of justifiable.

What one man fears, another man does not. In some cases, the fear SHOULD be there because it is keeping you safe...

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How to Set Goals and Actually Accomplish Them

When I first meet people they are often impressed by how much I have accomplished.

It surprises me.

I thank them for the compliment but on the inside, I’m usually thinking . . . hmmm . . . okay, why is it such a big deal, don’t others accomplish their goals?

And yes, some do. But it’s a shocking number of people who don’t. Which perplexes me.

I’m not saying everyone needs to have a long list of things they must do in their life. But most people have passions and interests and goals, do they not?

Do you?

If so, are you pursuing them? Are you accomplishing them?

If the answer is no, why not?

What is standing in your way?

I truly want to know the answers to these questions so please, send me a message or leave a comment below.

I’m going to go on the a...

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