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The Power of Now Review

The Power of Now Review

So What Is The Power of Now?

The Power of Now Review

The power of now is a book of spiritual guidance written by Eckhart Tolle that can change your life. If you let it. As the author himself coins, if you are not ready, the book will be meaningless, but if you’re on the cusp of a change and can see the subtly of the messages it is possible that as you read you will see a transition in yourself, in your thinking and overall the way you are feeling.

Reviewing the book and picking it apart would be a mistake because it would give you “my interpretation” of it, it would possibly taint your perspective of something before you even had a chance to take a look at it for yourself. So I’m not going to tell you what’s inside.

What I will tell you is that for me, someone who is a sensitive soul and ...

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