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Need Someone to Talk To – Feeling Suicidal Feeling Alone

Need Someone To Talk To

Need Someone to Talk To?

To this day it still amazes me when people don’t or can’t understand why someone would commit suicide. The answer is obvious though, they’ve never felt truly alone. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and when you realize you really don’t have anyone (or at least anyone you actually feel like you can turn to) it can be not only a lonely feeling, but a debilitating one.

How can I know this?

Because I have felt suicidal. I have felt so alone with no one to turn to that the idea of just “ending that kind of pain” seemed like the rational thing to do. Being secluded and isolated in life is a terrible feeling.

Isolation is a form of punishment, so anyone who feels this way even if they aren’t technically in prison knows this.

The other day I felt this low...

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