the sedona method tagged posts

How to Stop Worrying About Everything – Live in Day Tight Compartments

How to Stop Worrying About Everything

How to Stop Worrying About Everything

Compulsively worrying about every little thing can really take a toll on a person. I can tell you from experience. Worry nearly took me out! The solution? How to stop worrying about everything even when it seems you have no other choice?

Live In Day Tight Compartments

What does that mean? To live in day-tight compartments. It means to only be concerned with (concerned with not worrying mind you, there is a difference) with the goings-on from sunrise to sundown.

This doesn’t mean you don’t plan for the future, you can certainly take actions that day that will be FOR your future. But you don’t spend your day WORRYING about the future. And you certainly don’t spend your time worrying about the past.

The past should be for one thing (ma...

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The Importance of a Positive Attitude

The Importance of a Positive Attitude

The Importance of a Positive Attitude – Smile!!

People are so funny. They’ll go to school and learn from books for practical things, “educational” things they would call it. But trying to improve on yourself? Reading books…to learn how to improve yourself? Oh no…they’ll steer clear of that most of their lives. Why?

Possibly because (and I’m speaking from my own past/personal experience here) it would show a sign of weakness? That they need to improve themselves? No way, those self-help aisles are for crazy people or losers.

Again, why?

If you’ve ever gone down one of those aisles (or found things online) and/or picked up some of the books I think you’d be amazed at the wealth of knowledge there...

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