Category Fitness

The Importance of a Positive Attitude

The Importance of a Positive Attitude

The Importance of a Positive Attitude – Smile!!

People are so funny. They’ll go to school and learn from books for practical things, “educational” things they would call it. But trying to improve on yourself? Reading books…to learn how to improve yourself? Oh no…they’ll steer clear of that most of their lives. Why?

Possibly because (and I’m speaking from my own past/personal experience here) it would show a sign of weakness? That they need to improve themselves? No way, those self-help aisles are for crazy people or losers.

Again, why?

If you’ve ever gone down one of those aisles (or found things online) and/or picked up some of the books I think you’d be amazed at the wealth of knowledge there...

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Finding Motivation to Exercise – The Power of Streaks

Finding Motivation

Finding Motivation To ExerciseFinding motivation to exercise (or motivation for anything really) when you are tired, burnt out, busy, stressed, depressed, you name, it can be HARD.

Even though it happens to me too, believe it or not, I have always found a way to overcome any lack of motivation that I have with one simple method.

The Power of Streaks!

What the heck do I mean by streaks?

You know, when you have done something for a long period of time without stopping? I hate to use it as an example, but it’s an excellent example—in AA a person gets a chip symbolizing how long they’ve gone without a drink.

That’s a streak.

You can also have streaks that aren’t good. Like if you haven’t exercised for a long time, you’ve started a negative streak...

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