Category Body

Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight – Discover My Simple Secret

Find out my simple secret and the Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight

Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight

I’m a pretty fit individual, I’m not bragging…it’s just the truth. Because of this, I get asked all of the time what is the BEST way to exercise to lose weight?. My answer usually astounds them, because most people assume that I spend HOURS in the gym every day, and that I don’t eat.

Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I will say that I know that one contributing factor to how thin I am is diet related, but that’s only a small part of it. Before I changed my diet to… (this really is for another article), before I changed it to lean meats of fish and chicken and just healthy fresh foods (nothing weird trust me), I was already a healthy and fit person.

But…I did have two kids and I did gain weight with the firs...

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