Category Finding Happiness

Strengths Finder Review

Strengths Finder 2.0

Strengths Finder ReviewI was recently introduced to Strengths Finder by a friend of mine. I hadn’t heard of it before, yet ironically not a week later it was mentioned in another book I was reading. Would I have even paid attention to the mention of it had I not already been introduced to it? I’ve no idea, it doesn’t matter I suppose – just curious.

I seem to go through phases where I am simply a sponge and want to soak up as much information as I can. Other times…not so much. This particular week though I was a sponge and probably soaked up 5 or more books: Strengths Finder was one of them, so I decided to review it for you just on the off chance that you too haven’t heard of it.

Strengths Finder is a pretty cool little book written by Tom Rath that includes a test that you can take to dete...

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Irresistible Desire Review

Irresistible Desire – Is There Really a Secret Signal?

Irresistible Desire ReviewDo you ever just feel like you’re doing everything wrong in a relationship? Well, I did. It seemed like everything I did had the absolute opposite effect than I wanted. I tried to be nice, I came off as needy. I stayed silent, suddenly I’m cold and distant and unapproachable.

Stop Making The Same Mistakes – Learn The Secret Signal Here

Frankly, I was spinning in circles and not getting anywhere and it was making me not only a little crazy, but really sad too. It seemed like everyone else around me was in relationships that worked and I was just alone. I couldn’t make anything work that did come my way, and it was rare that anything actually DID come my way. And I couldn’t figure out why.

To top that off, when I did have a long lasting ...

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