Category Soul

The Power of Now Review

The Power of Now Review

So What Is The Power of Now?

The Power of Now Review

The power of now is a book of spiritual guidance written by Eckhart Tolle that can change your life. If you let it. As the author himself coins, if you are not ready, the book will be meaningless, but if you’re on the cusp of a change and can see the subtly of the messages it is possible that as you read you will see a transition in yourself, in your thinking and overall the way you are feeling.

Reviewing the book and picking it apart would be a mistake because it would give you “my interpretation” of it, it would possibly taint your perspective of something before you even had a chance to take a look at it for yourself. So I’m not going to tell you what’s inside.

What I will tell you is that for me, someone who is a sensitive soul and ...

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Can Stress Kill You?

Can Stress Kill You?The short answer is: Yes. Stress can definitely be a contributing factor to a shortened life. Why? Because stress is toxic and is not good for your body. It can cause problems from heart issues to high blood pressure, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and even cancer.

It may be difficult to link stress directly and specifically to any one problem that you may be experiencing, but it has definitely been proven that leading a stressful life contributes to many health problems, and those health problems can potentially kill you if you don’t make some changes.

So Why Are you Stressed?

This is the first thing to figure out before you can begin to fix the problem and start to eliminate stress from your life. You may, in fact, have a lot of reasons for being stressed...

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