Category Want to Lose Weight

Best Diet to Lose Weight – Discover The Best Foods To Lose Weight

Discover The Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast – It’s My Little Secret

Best Foods to Lose Weight

People who struggle with weight loss often want to know, “what’s the best diet to lose weight?”

My answer: No Diet. Unless you are thinking of the word “diet” the right way. A diet should not be something you do to get fast results – to undo damage from years of bad eating habits. It shouldn’t be something you plan on doing just “until” the weight goes off.

A diet – by the right definition simply should mean: what you eat. Your lifestyle.

If you are here wanting to know which diet you should go on to lose some weight, then that means your current “diet”, or eating habits, are perhaps not what they should be.

No worries. We can fix that and have you on the way to a healthier, happier you in no time at all...

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Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight – Discover My Simple Secret

Find out my simple secret and the Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight

Best Way to Exercise to Lose Weight

I’m a pretty fit individual, I’m not bragging…it’s just the truth. Because of this, I get asked all of the time what is the BEST way to exercise to lose weight?. My answer usually astounds them, because most people assume that I spend HOURS in the gym every day, and that I don’t eat.

Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I will say that I know that one contributing factor to how thin I am is diet related, but that’s only a small part of it. Before I changed my diet to… (this really is for another article), before I changed it to lean meats of fish and chicken and just healthy fresh foods (nothing weird trust me), I was already a healthy and fit person.

But…I did have two kids and I did gain weight with the firs...

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