how common is restless leg syndrome tagged posts

How To Calm Restless Legs and Sleep Like a Baby

How to Calm Restless LegsI decided to write a post on how to calm restless legs after experiencing it myself recently. I had heard of it sure, my mother had complained of it, but until I actually had it myself it just never really occurred to me how AWFUL it really is. I mean, they just don’t want to stay STILL and you can’t sleep and you can’t relax. It’s horrible when you are trying to sleep. So I went online to try and figure out what was going on, why I was having it and how I could fix it.

What I discovered for myself was that my hormones were out of whack and I was essentially experiencing what a lot of pregnant women or women in perimenopause and menopause have to go through.

You have my sympathies. Truly.

Restless legs in pregnancy happens in about 19% of pregnant women...

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