3 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat Quickly

Believe it or not, there is actually a fairly simple way to lose belly fat. As stubborn as it seems, as impossible as it might seem, it is possible.

The 3 simple ways outlined below are how.

1. Walk

I know you probably think that in order to lose belly fat quickly or otherwise, it requires a drastic life change and a TON of hardcore workouts.

But guess what? While those things would definitely help, they aren’t the only way to achieve this goal. Walking is a wonderful way to start losing your belly fat fast and here’s why:

Walking is a great form of exercise. It may not be hardcore, but I’m going to guess that for most of you reading this, adding a 30-minute walk every day is probably going to be more exercise than you’re currently getting.

Whether it’s from lack of time or lack of motivation, sometimes it’s just plain too much to ask to add a significant amount of exercise. To try and reach an almost seemingly impossible goal.

It probably keeps you from even trying. Just thinking about it makes you want to quit before you even start. Am I right?

But walking. I bet you could muster adding in a short walk every day, yes?

So, while walking IS a great form of exercise, it’s also an important part of the equation of losing belly fat because it helps you to de-stress which will reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, which, guess what? It is a large reason for the belly fat in the first place.

Simply by walking more you can start to see a dramatic change in your belly because you’re more relaxed. It’s a beautiful thing.

I challenge you to give it a try.

2. Sleep

It may not seem like getting more sleep would help you lose fat. You’re probably thinking that you have to stop eating food and exercise MORE to lose fat. But chances are, to begin with, you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Not getting enough sleep throws everything out of balance, including that pesky stress hormone I mentioned, cortisol. So when you’re sleep-deprived, you make bad choices (food-wise) and you don’t exercise much because you’re exhausted.

It’s a vicious cycle.

Not only does lack of sleep make you do these things, but simply by not getting enough, your hormones are thrown out of whack. You don’t even have a chance.

So give yourself a chance. And Sleep. More.

It might seem difficult at times to do this. The best way to start is by getting a good evening routine so that you can attempt to get more rest.

– If you have insomnia, don’t force sleep. But do set up the right conditions for a restful night.

– Turn off the TV. Stay away from electronics and set the mood.

– If you’re feeling particularly stressed, try journaling and taking a hot bath before bed.

– Read a real book. Not on a device. And wait until you feel tired before turning off the lights.

Even if you aren’t asleep, resting in this way can be rejuvenating.

3. Decrease Caffeine

Decreasing or eliminating as much caffeine (and sugar) from your diet as possible is an excellent way to shed those belly pounds.

Caffeine is another one of those culprits for the stress hormone. It raises your cortisol. You could just be sitting down doing nothing and having a caffeinated cup of coffee and it’s going to raise your stress hormone.

Why do that to yourself? Don’t you have enough things that will raise your levels?

Interesting fact, a cup of tea doesn’t raise your cortisol levels. Not even the caffeinated kind. So if you realllllyy need caffeine, try tea. And drink decaf coffee for the primary times you have it.

You’ll see a huge difference in how you feel as well as seeing those belly pounds fall off.

That’s it. Those three things if done every day will make a significant difference in your life. It’s a beautiful domino effect.

Less caffeine equals better sleep and less stress, better sleep gives you more energy for walking every day which will help you sleep even better and lower your stress hormone.

This combination will help bring balance to your life. And this balance will help you lose belly fat quickly.

If you want to add even more to the equation with a short exercise regimen that offers huge results and benefits try this program: https://nhs.go2cloud.org/SHG

If you do give it a try, let me know how it worked for you!

It’s the best thing I’ve done in years. Not only am I exercising less, but my belly fat dropped off of me quickly. The kind that was from age and stress. The seemingly impossible kind. Gone.

Your friend,


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