3 Ways to Face Your Fears and Win

We all have fears.

If anyone ever tells me that they aren’t afraid of anything . . . we would spend the next hour coming up with at least ONE thing. Trust me. Everyone has fears.

Some people have more than others.

Some stop people from living. Some can save your life. But most can be overcome.

I say most, not all, because some fears are justified and necessary for survival. Which is why it’s actually okay to have fear.

The only time it isn’t okay to have fear is when it isn’t justifiable and when fear is stopping you from living your life and living at your full potential.

Let’s discuss the definition of justifiable.

What one man fears, another man does not. In some cases, the fear SHOULD be there because it is keeping you safe. One man might not fear something he should, whereas another man fears something he shouldn’t.

Regardless, it is never okay to judge someone because of a fear that they have. To each their own and just because YOU might not have a fear of spiders doesn’t mean that your neighbor doesn’t have the right to have his fear of them.

Maybe his fear is keeping him safe. You don’t know. So never judge.

That being said, a lot of fears can be overcome and if it’s something you’re interested in pursuing because conquering a fear would improve your life, then do it!

There are 3 ways to face your fears and win.

1. Desensitization – being around your fear more can help you overcome it. Do not underestimate the power of making something become familiar to you.

I’m not saying you need to go lie in a pit of snakes or Fear Factor-style be subjected to a container full of spiders. But increasing your exposure to things gradually and consistently can have a huge impact. For instance, I used to be incredibly afraid of bugs, so much so that I rarely liked to go outside. Part of that was allergies, but I honestly would have avoided it anyway because of my other fears. After I began allergy shots and was able to be outside more, I started going for daily walks. Prior to walking every day and running a few times a week, being buzzed by an insect would make me panic and sometimes run. The more I walked, the less I feared the insects.

2. Take the Leap – with desensitization you need to have consistent exposure. However, with some fears, a simple leap will do. For instance, anxiety can arise when you are afraid of change or afraid of new things. In these circumstances you don’t need to do them often to overcome it, you simply need to go out and DO it. Once you’ve done it, the fear will decrease or dissipate entirely.

A good example of taking a leap and facing a fear head-on is if you are afraid to do something simply because you’ve never done it. Like, flying on your own. Traveling to a country you’ve never been to before or simply by going to a restaurant or part of town you’ve never ventured to before. Anything that scares you simply because you’ve never done it can be quickly overcome by going out and just doing it!

3. Hypnosis – this is a great way to overcome many things. If you haven’t tried it before I highly recommend it. Even if you’re skeptical or think it’s some sort of voodoo, just try it.

Once won’t kill you.

The art of hypnotic suggestion can be incredibly powerful in overcoming fears because they are mind-made. Correct the mind-malfunction and you might find the fear completely removed.

Many have found hypnosis helpful for quitting smoking, anxiety and sleep problems. But this method can do so much more. Visualization and suggestion can help you get passed just about anything holding you up.

Keep an open mind, relax and see what happens.

There are many ways to face your fears, these three will get you started. If you have something standing in the way of your goals and dreams please leave me a message or comment below.

It is so incredibly liberating to face, conquer and then laugh at a previous fear. I would love to help you experience that if you haven’t already.

Tell me, what would you do if you could eliminate even just one of your current fears?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Your friend,


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