Hope, Faith and the Devil

There isn’t time for that. It’s too late. That can’t be done. You’ll never amount to anything. You have peaked. There’s nowhere else to go but down.

This is your mountaintop and frankly, it’s not that high.

But you’re almost 40, life is getting harder and the chance for happiness is over. You failed. The picture-perfect life you imagined sadly, will not be.

You better accept it, suck it up and keep going to a job you hate, to barely make ends meet and to be in a relationship with someone who makes you miserable. This is your life.

And the Devil is grinning.

I ask you. Are you gonna lie down and take it, or will you fight back and wipe that smirk off his face?

I, of course, can’t help but picture Tom Ellis from Lucifer when I wrote that. If you haven’t seen that show yet, I highly recommend it. It puts a different spin on things, a different perspective that I happen to love.

Not to mention the fact that this new perspective could give you the motivation and the drive you need to finally CHANGE your life.

I don’t care who you are or where you are in life. If you aren’t happy with it, YOU have the power to change it. And only YOU can.

Somewhere along the way you lost hope, you lost faith and you started listening to the devil in your ear whispering all of those negative thoughts I mentioned above.

The devil can take many forms.

He can come from other people in your life. He can come from circumstances and he can even come from deep within yourself.

And believe me, I KNOW how convincing the devil can be. But I’m here to tell you from personal experience it is possible to beat him.

It is possible to take your life back into your own hands and change things.

It is possible to live the life of your dreams.

I’m living proof of that and trust me, I’ve been to hell and back. At least twice.

I don’t recommend it as a travel destination. I mean, if you’re up for an adventure and you’re a little crazy, sure . . . visit once. Just to gain more perspective.

Any place can be hell on earth if you allow it to be. One person’s hell is another person’s paradise.

The best part of hell though, it can teach you a lot. So if you’re currently there, don’t fret. You can still book a one-way ticket out of there. And when you do, your destination will be that much sweeter because of the experiences you’ve had in hell.

Faith is not an easy thing. You probably have or will lose it on occasion. But you’re always capable of finding it again. Hope can be just as elusive.

But I want you to keep something in mind. In our darkest hours, are when these two powerful tools are needed the most. They can get you through anything and the best part is, you don’t need anyone or anything else to have them. They are within you. Always.

All you have to do is look. And realize that those horrible emotions you’re feeling, the panic attacks, the anger, the tears, all of these things will help you dig down deep enough to find them.

And once you find them, you’re on your way to telling the devil to shut up and leave you alone. YOU always have the opportunity and time for change.

It’s never too late.

Time means nothing.

Distance means nothing.

Money means nothing.

You can do anything you put your mind to, even if right now, you don’t believe me.

Hope, faith and the devil will always be with you. It’s what you CHOOSE to do with them that will make all of the difference.

Please leave me a comment below or send me a message. I would like to know, what is the devil saying to you?

What obstacles are in your way to the hope and faith you need in order to make a change in your life?

What’s the ONE thing you have always wanted that you feel you will never obtain?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Your friend,


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