How Will You Make Today Count?

My last few days have not gone according to plan. And honestly, it has left me feeling less than stellar.

This is mostly because the happy fun factor was missing and I feel a little like Jack from The Shining.

All work and no play and all that…

I don’t know if I would have cared as much if work was all I planned to do, but it wasn’t. My playtime simply fell through and such is life.

But that got me thinking . . . did I make those days count?

I got a lot done, sure. I mean A LOT. But if I feel the way I’m feeling, is getting things done really what was important?

I realize that the plans having to change was no ones fault and I was understanding and made the best of it . . . or so I thought.

But if feeling bummed out and burnt out is the outcome than perhaps I didn’t make my day truly count.

The solution?

Always leave time for fun . . . even if plans change. Make new plans. Even if those plans only include yourself.

Don’t fill your time with work, work, work. Working can only bring you so far for feeling happy. Accomplishing makes me happy, yes. But if that’s all I ever did, I guarantee you I would not be happy.

Life is about balance. You can have too much of anything. Even fun. So while you would probably never only plan fun and no work, refrain from doing the opposite.

It’s time to make a change.

It’s time to start asking yourself, “How will I make today count?”

People have a tendency to waste their days. For some reason, even though we all know there is no guarantee in life, we still take a lot of our days for granted.

And THAT is a sad thing.

Every day is beautiful. They all start approximately the same way, with the same potential, and end in the belief that tomorrow is another day.

But how many times have you had a day that was just . . . well, stupid?

How many days have you had that seemed pointless, horrible, stressful?

Is there anything you could have done to change that?

It’s not an easy question. Even right now, I’m thinking about my last couple days and the next to come and since they are mostly filled with work, I’m wondering what I can do to accept the work part, but still do something that will make me feel fulfilled and happy?

Sometimes it can be something small. A walk, a bath, some reading or tv time.

But sometimes it needs to be something bigger.

Today, I need bigger. And what that is looking like is . . . setting aside a few goals I set that I’m not being able to accomplish with a full heart.

Getting them done is not nearly as important as doing them well and when I’m feeling it.

Ironically, I just wrote an article about this the other day, The Difference Between Inspired and Forced Creation. And it couldn’t be more true.

As I say in the article it isn’t strictly related to creating artistic things, it has to do with everything you do in life. Why do anything when you are feeling uninspired to do it?

The result will be sloppy, careless, and ultimately not worth anyone’s time.

So . . . if your day isn’t going as planned but you feel stuck because you had goals. Change it anyway. You can always accomplish your goals later. I’m not saying procrastinate, I’m saying, put in your full heart with everything you do and if you can’t, then wait until you can. The outcome and your mood will be world’s apart and it will show.

I know not every single day can be earth-shatteringly fantastic and amazing. But you can certainly do something, even ONE thing, that when you lay your head down on your pillow tonight you can think to yourself, “today was a good day.”

I’m going to go brainstorm what I can do today to make that happen for myself. I would love to hear ways in which you make your days count.

Please contact me anytime or leave a comment below.

If for some reason you are in a bad place currently and feel stuck, and this question is difficult for you to answer, please know that you aren’t alone and I am here to help you figure things out if you need.

To start, please list 10 things that make you happy. If you aren’t already doing any of these things, start incorporating them into your day and see what happens!

Having a hard time coming up with things? Start by thinking about your past and anything you’ve ever done that put a smile on your face.

It might be something from a long time ago and you’ve forgotten about it. But I can almost guarantee there is something. Maybe at the time, you didn’t think it was possible to pursue it or you have no support. But whatever it is, list it!

Browse google for topics and see if anything makes you feel a spark inside.

Your day matters. your time matters. You matter.

Your friend,


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