Unique HIIT Workouts for Women to Lose Hormonal Belly Fat

Discover Unique HIIT Workouts for Women to Lose Hormonal Belly Fat

Unique HIIT Workouts for WomenIf you haven’t heard of HIIT yet you’re missing out on one of the most effective ways of getting into shape and losing even the most stubborn of weight. If you have and you’re reading this, then perhaps you’ve already tried HIIT but you still can’t seem to lose belly fat fast enough (or maybe weight in other stubborn areas, like your arms, legs or back.)

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training and has become one of the most popular exercise workouts for a good reason. With HIIT workouts you are giving it your all for shorter periods of time, with intervals typically ranging from 45 seconds to a minute long.  HIIT workouts for women or men include fast-paced exercises ranging from burpees, squat jumps to close rib pushups, and more.

But not all HIIT workouts are the same. Speaking from my own experience, having tried several, I can tell you that just doing the type of exercises that are common for HIIT is not good enough. What is most important is the sequence in which you do them and the effort that you give, in addition to that, especially for women, what you are doing on your recovery days that matters most.

While HIIT workouts work for both men and women, women need to be especially careful to do the right sequence and have proper recovery days and to be eating the right foods in order to see the best results. Why do women need to have a different HIIT workout than a man? One word: Hormones. Women simply cannot exercise the same way a man does and see the same results. In fact, exercises geared toward men can actually have the opposite effect on a woman’s body than what you are going for.

Cardio workouts for women and exercise to reduce belly fat for females is a fine science and balancing act. Too much exercise and you can actually add on pounds and inches.

This is why having the right sequence and routine to follow is important. I have tried 3 HIIT exercise routines and while they got my blood pumping and I felt in shape, none were as effective as Metabolic Renewal. 

Visit Metabolic Renewal to learn more:

Metabolic Renewal is a program designed and created for women and the way their bodies react to hormones. Ironically, it was designed by a man who became an expert in this field and he has essentially cracked the code of exactly how a woman should exercise in order to see the results she is looking for.

That being said, while the entire program is created for women, I can guarantee you the HIIT routines themselves are still perfect for men as well. It is a challenging workout, no matter who you are. But the beauty of it is, you go at your own pace, you listen to your own body and modifications can be made so that ANYONE can do it.

I think one of the most redeeming qualities of HIIT is how effective it is in such a short amount of time. I used to work out for 3 to 4 hours a day. Because I enjoy it. But I do have other things I need to do in life and sometimes I just don’t have that much time available. But the thought of losing my current fitness level was not ideal and I absolutely loved that HIIT has allowed me to not only maintain but actually get in better shape while spending less time exercising.

The HIIT workouts for women in this program are between 15-20 minutes, 3 times per week. They include ab workouts, arm workouts, leg workouts, and back workouts for women so every inch is covered and you don’t have to spend hours at the gym anymore. This one workout routine is all you need. And the best part of HIIT? You’ll burn extra calories for up to 48 hours after a HIIT workout. So even on your recovery days, your body continues to burn calories. How awesome is that?!

One of the most unique qualities of Metabolic Renewal is what the program has you do on your recovery days. I found this aspect of the program to be the most beneficial of any other program I have ever tried in my lifetime. And I’ve done a lot of them.

During my first few weeks of this program, I lost at least an inch or two off of my waist. I have continued to use the program regularly for over a year and still love it. There is enough of a challenge and enough variety that I have not tired of it. And the results continue to amaze me. I have gained more strength and flexibility with these 20-minute workouts than anything I’ve ever tried.

Lose Hormonal Belly FatI know that as we age and our hormones change, belly fat and extra inches around our waists are one of the most challenging things we face. It can be frustrating when it seems we cannot fight back. Or if when we try, the problem gets worse. It may even make you lose all motivation to exercise. But don’t give up!

Stress is often the leading cause of that belly fat. And we all know women have some of the highest stress. The creator of Metabolic Renewal knows this and has created a perfect system to help us fight back and actually win. It is possible to reduce your belly fat, no matter how old you are. This program can help.

The concept is simple, and the program lays it out in a few easy steps. You see, it’s not just about exercise. If it were, any HIIT workouts would do. But they don’t, because there is more to it than that.

If you are concerned that you won’t be able to do HIIT routines, due to age or injury, don’t be. This program offers plenty of ways to modify any of its exercises so that anyone can do them and benefit from them. You make the program as easy or as hard as you want it to be. And as your strength increases, you can increase your intensity and get even stronger. As I said, after a year of using this program I still find it challenging and simply set higher goals for myself as my strength increases. 

And with the challenge of COVID-19 still being an issue, having exercise to reduce belly fat for females at home (or males for that matter) is at an all-time high. With this one program you can stop feeling depressed about not being able to go to the gym, you can stay active on a daily and weekly basis and lose all of the COVID-19 weight (and more). This program will boost your spirits and help you get through this difficult time in our history.

When COVID-19 passes, you may find that this program is all you need even after the gyms are open again. You’ll save time and money, exercising less because your exercise is more effective and save money because you may not have to pay for a gym membership anymore. 

But most importantly, you’ll finally lose that unwanted weight and learn how to navigate your changing hormones, so that no matter how old you get, and how stubborn that belly fat thinks it is, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to keep it off.

You will no longer need to look in the mirror and not like what you see. You will no longer need to look in the mirror and feel like your body is not your own. The inner tube, as it is so aptly named, will no longer be circling your waist. And even better than that, your entire body, inside and out will feel better. Stress will melt away and you will feel in balance. Finally. That is what this program has done for me. And that is what it can do for you.

Visit Metabolic Renewal to learn more:

And please feel free to leave a comment here or contact me if you have any questions. I would also love to hear your results from the program if you choose to give it a try.

What is your story? What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to diet and exercise?

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