Why Walking is the Best Form of Exercise

Normally when we think of exercise we picture exertion. We think of runners or weight lifting, the face that says, “Oh my god, I’m going to die.” Or, “I hate this so much.”

But did you know that the extreme forms of exercise are not only unnecessary but are often detrimental?

I love to exercise. I love extreme exercise. I’m all for pushing my body to its limits and reaping the benefits of hardcover workouts.

However, as I grow, age and learn, I’m discovering that most humans are either underdoing it or overdoing it. And rarely is there an in-between.

While dealing with new hormonal weight gain, something beyond my control, I have discovered that I was tending to overdo things and it was having the opposite effects of what I wanted.

It was while doing this research that I discovered the miracle of simply walking.

Walking. Sounds simple enough, right?

And yet, do you realize how few people actually walk? Regularly? And not just from the couch to the kitchen or bathroom or from their desk to the food kiosk downstairs (that they took the elevator to).

But regularly . . . outside, in the fresh air.

I have neighbors that literally drive their car down my street to my house rather than walk to it. This blows my mind.

I have been walking 30 minutes every day for years. Even before I knew how good walking actually was for me.

Recently, I was introduced to a new exercise program that incorporates HIIT, which I had already done but this program emphasizes more of the rest aspect of working out, which I wasn’t doing enough of.

The biggest benefit of this workout program wasn’t the HIIT or the recipe and meal plans, it as the incorporation of walking for 1 hour every other day on the “rest” days.

It blew me away, the results I saw from resting more.

Now, I know, a lot of people are going to claim that walking is not resting. To me, it kind of is, because I’m so used to hardcore exercise every day. I’m not one to not exercise, never have been.

Walking may not be resting, but when done in a leisurely way, it is relaxing. You get the benefits of exercise while doing something that is lowering your stress level. This . . . helps you lose weight. Especially hormonal weight.

Walking is the best form of exercise because it is low impact. It gets you moving but doesn’t raise your cortisol (stress hormone). It helps keep you in balance.

While other forms of exercise are still recommended, like cardio for your heart, walking is something you can start doing, today.

No training necessary. Just some good shoes and if you need, a walking buddy.

I personally enjoy walking alone because it gives me time to think, clear my mind and breathe deeply. But I also enjoy walking with a companion and that definitely has it’s emotional perks as well as motivation perks for those who need a little help with drive and consistency.

Find what works best for you. But start small and add walking into your everyday routine.

I noticed a huge change during the second half-hour of my 1-hour walks.
The first half-hour was old hat, used to it, simple. But in the second half, I noticed my shoulders relaxed, my stresses were released. There was something magical in that second half.

I liken it to when you are stretching. You have to hold a stretch long enough for it to truly be beneficial.

So think of a long walk as the release you need from your day. Without that walk, just think about how much stress you hang on to. And stress is also cumulative.

Learn to release it by walking and you’ll see a dynamic change to your life.

I can already hear a lot of groaning at the idea of walking. Arguments over why and you just don’t have the time.

But think about how much time you waste watching TV? Surely, you can spare 30 minutes per day at least for your tired mind and muscles?

I’m not going to force anyone to do anything, of course, it is your choice. But it’s a choice I hope you choose. At least to give it a try.

And if you are one that hates exercise in general, don’t think of walking as exercise. It’s just a walk. No big deal. One foot in front of another.

I highly recommend walking outside, not on a treadmill. You won’t find nearly the same benefits from a treadmill as you will from being outdoors.

It’s mindful moments that make a difference. Not going through the motions.

Treadmills may seem like the same action, the same amount of time, and sure, it’s better than nothing. But there is a shift in consciousness when you walk outside.

And to make it even easier on you, have a particular destination. One that gets you to your 30-minute goal but one that doesn’t make you think of time, but instead of a goal destination. The time flies when you construct it this way. Trust me.

Walking will boost your mood, improve your physical and mental health and be a catalyst for positive change.

When you add this one component to your life, you will start a domino effect that will hugely impact other areas.

Without even realizing it, you will open doors to new possibilities, new ideas, lifestyle changes and create a happier you; simply by putting one foot in front of the other.

Are you already a walker? If so, how does it improve your life?

If not, will you start?

Your friend,


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